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rebecca rabinowitz


Will you keep this blog after you change jobs? Would you be able to blog about health care from your new position? Or would that be unkosher?

A fan (and current constituent),
Rebecca Rabinowitz


This is great, but the credit bureaus are still making freezes as hard to get as they can. For someone who doesn't use credit, and who is reluctant to share personal information with organizations who have no business having it, the large amount of information the bureaus demand is a strong disincentive to get a freeze. For example, here are part of the instructions Experian gives for getting a freeze:

"Requests [for security freezes] must include all of the following: full name, with middle initial and generation, such as JR, SR, II, III, etc.; Social Security number; date of birth (month/date/year); current address; and previous addresses for the past two years. In addition, enclose one copy of a government issued identification card, such as a driver’s license, state ID card, military ID card, etc., and one copy of a utility bill, bank or insurance statement, etc., and make sure that each copy is legible (enlarge if necessary), displays your name and current mailing address, and the date of issue. . ."

It would be nice if legislation also limited the amount of data a bureau may request for enacting a freeze. Since the credit bureaus don't have a good understanding of data security, I would never want to give any of them all this data.

I think it's very unlikely that people getting freezes for _other_ people would be a big problem; I think the bureaus just want to collect as much information about people as they can, even if that data is irrelevant, because data and more data is where they see their revenue coming from.

In particular, they are in effect demanding a photo, which is something they didn't necessarily have before.

I understand the number of people who have gotten credit freezes in California for example, is rather small; I would say it's because of the high data bar imposed by the credit bureaus.

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